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Helping Medicare Deliver High-Quality, Cost-Efficient Care

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Health is central to quality of life, and maintaining and improving care quality while delivering value is crucial to meeting our nation’s healthcare needs. That’s why Abt provides Medicare with information, analysis, and support to address everything from rural health to end of life care.
ZeAmma Brathwaite
ZeAmma Brathwaite
Vice President, U.S. Domestic Healthcare Services

Improving Quality, Helping Patients

From assessing programs that combat the opioid epidemic to evaluating alternative payment models for oncology care, Abt helps clients address the cost and quality of healthcare, and better meet patients’ needs. Our experts analyze how Medicare payment programs–including innovative models–affect the safety, quality, and cost of healthcare for Americans nationwide. Our work spans all care settings, from physician offices and hospitals, to nursing homes and hospice. Our rigorous, best-in-class analytics and policy-focused insights help the Medicare program modernize, innovate, and improve the value of healthcare–while protecting taxpayer dollars.