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Senior Consultant, Australian Domestic Programs

Natalie Arthur is a public health consultant with 20 years of experience working across health and human services sectors in Australia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, and United Arab Emirates. Natalie has led numerous complex program evaluation, review, and service development projects for Commonwealth, Australian state and territory government, and non-government organizations. She specializes in health, mental health, and disability. Natalie led the data scenario modelling of a further eight health service plans in Victoria and South Australia. As she worked on more than 40 projects, she built invaluable technical and project management experience supporting clients through the translation of complex methodologies into clear, utilization-focused recommendations.

Natalie is currently leading a multi-jurisdictional monitoring and evaluation project focused on improving primary care for people with intellectual disability. She has facilitated co-design workshops, developed an ethics application, and led site visits including .  interviews with people with intellectual disability. In the first phase of this two-year project, more than 100 stakeholders have been interviewed and more than 600 surveys collected from four sites. Natalie shares emerging project findings with the client, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care,  to inform their strategic planning. The goal: better health outcomes for people with intellectual disability.

Before her current role, Natalie worked for employers such as Queensland Health and Destravis, a private consulting firm. She managed several primary care evaluations, strategy development projects, and  primary health care service agreements. She also led state government health service plans, developing recommendations and options for service improvements across prevention,  primary, acute, and end of life care. She  addressed the service needs of rural populations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Queensland and the Northern Territory. Natalie has also planned complex specialist tertiary health services in metropolitan Melbourne and has further experience in cancer-screening, clinical governance, and biosafety.


  • Project management
  • Stakeholder engagement & management
  • Monitoring & evaluation
  • Health & human services systems
  • Data synthesis

Key Projects:

  • Monitoring & Evaluation of the Primary Care Enhancement Program (intellectual disability health)
  • Co-design Adult Through-Care model
  • Mental Health Services Review and Commissioning Project
  • Family Responsibilities Commission Future Directions Review
  • Evaluation of the In-Home Telemonitoring Trial for Veterans
Natalie Arthur