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Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Impact Study Design Report

Laura R. Peck, Alan Werner, Alyssa Rulf Fountain, Jennifer Lewis Buell, Stephen H. Bell, Eleanor Harvill, Hiren Nisar, David Judkins, Gretchen Locke


December 4, 2014

As part of its multi-pronged research agenda for Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG), the Administration for Children and Families of U.S. DHHS has contracted with Abt Global to design and conduct an impact evaluation of HPOG.  The evaluation is a classic experimental design in 20 HPOG grantee programs and will focus on the impact of HPOG program components on education, employment and earnings outcomes. ACF has recently published the design report for the study, describing how Abt will answer questions about overall HPOG program effectiveness and explore how variations in program services affect impacts, including identifying which elements of career pathways programs contribute most to advancing the labor market success of participants.

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