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Diaz Casado

Chief of Party, USAID Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project, Dominican Republic

Nassim Díaz Casado is the chief of party for the USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) in the Dominican Republic (DR). He is an expert in project management with extensive experience in health systems, strategic management, and international development programs in the health sector. Diaz has more than 15 years of experience working as a project director for multilateral organizations, including the World Bank and International Development Bank. He has been chief of party of the USAID- Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project in the Dominican Republic and country program manager for the USAID-SHOPS Plus project, in addition to consulting with international organizations and public and private entities on health and social security systems.

Diaz is chief of party for the LHSS in the DR, a project focused on strengthening the DR government’s capacity to manage and expand high-quality HIV services to achieve the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 95/95/95 targets by 2030. Under Diaz’s leadership, LHSS provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Health to institutionalize community and mobile services, aligning them with global standards and national guidelines. The project supported the development of national policies, guidelines, and procedures to standardize provision of community-level HIV services for focus clients and other vulnerable populations. Major achievements range from including HIV community services at the site level to institutionalizing standard operating procedures on community antiretroviral distribution.

For five years, Diaz was project director at the DR’s Presidential Council on AIDS, running a $25 million World Bank project focused on reorganization of the country’s national response, strategic development plan, and monitoring and evaluation system. He also worked on prevention, control, and treatment of the disease. For more than seven years, Diaz was the director of the World Bank’s Project to Support Health Sector Reform in the DR, which focused on strengthening the capacity of the public health services’ network to deliver timely, quality care through a funding mechanism based on results. The goal was to promote accountability and align financial incentives to improve health care service quality.


  • Program management
  • Health systems strengthening
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Health finance
  • Private health sector development
  • International development

Key Projects:

  • USAID- Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project
  • USAID-SHOPS Plus project
  • USAID- Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project.
  • World Bank Health Sector Reform Project phase 1.
  • World Bank Health Sector Reform Project phase 2.


  • Cali, Jonathan, Claudia Valdez, and Nassim Díaz. February 2018. Alternative approaches for sustaining the HIV and AIDS response in Dominican Republic. Rockville, MD: Health Finance and Governance Project, Abt Global.
  • Canario, Julio; Álvarez, Thyria; Cali, Jonathan; Díaz, Nassim. Mayo de 2018. Barreras y motivaciones para la afiliación al Seguro Familiar de Salud de personas que viven con VIH en la República Dominicana. Rockville, MD: Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud, Abt Global
  • Mijares, Alejandra; Cali, Jonathan; Martinez Mildred, Diaz Casado, Nassim. Septiembre 2018. Incrementando la Afiliación de Personas Viviendo con VIH y Personas en Riesgo de VIH al Seguro Familiar de Salud de la República Dominicana. Rockville, MD: Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud, Abt Global.
  • Valdez, Claudia, Jonathan Cali y Nassim Diaz. Abril de 2018. Transferencia de los ARV e insumos del VIH al Seguro Familiar de Salud: modelo operativo de gestión de suministro seleccionado. Rockville, MD y Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud, Abt Global.
  • Pérez-Then, Eddy, Jordan Tuchman, y Nassim Díaz. 2018. Tratamiento para Todos en Personas Viviendo con el VIH y el SIDA en República Dominicana: plan de expansión. Rockville, MD: Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud, Abt Global.

Countries Served In:

  • Dominican Republic, Panama, Spain
Nassim Diaz Casado